When a user name change occurs the impact on CRM and other internal applications need to be dealt with by developers (i.e., Dan Seagran & Jim Laur). 

When a ticket comes in developers need to be notified of the changes being made.

The changes that can be made are done in Active Directory Administrative Console (ADAC) and Synchronization Service accessible on DC04.

In ADAC search for the user, double click to select the correct user and from there account information can be reset, changing the last name, full name, display name and E-mail, while leaving the UserSAM account name unchanged as in the following example.

Click the Extensions tab from the left frame, and go to the Attributes Editor tab to add the old Email address as an alias using the syntax smtp:user.name@wixon.com as in the example below.

While on DC04 go to Synchronization Service select Actions on the menu bar and click run. Select Full Synchronization and OK.

On the user machine Profile from Control Panel>Mail may need to be removed and re-added in Outlook. Mimecast should maintain history of Emails and sync, but may need to be re-installed.