- AD, Email and O365 setup.
- MFG/PRO LINUX user account setup:
- PUTTY to MFG01
- Login credentials required
- Useradd > ENTER > enter 8 character user short name and default password (required 2x)
- IS Manager sets up user account using default pwd.
- Clarify with Dept Manager any further reqs
AD user account creation
- In AD go to Wixon>Wixon>Users> OU (Dept). Create New-User
- User user first, last name; set full name as Lastname, Firstname format; setlogon name as 8 character (1st Init + Last Name up to 7 Characters); Click Next
- Set Default Password
- Allow 10 minutes for replication
- Add Telephone and Email to general tab
- Add .bat file name in Profile tab Logon script; i.e., <deptname>.bat found by browsing to \\\login
- Add fax and mobile number to Telephone tab if they have them
- Add Title and Department to Organization tab
- In Member of Tab, all users are Domain User & Wixon members, in a Email Signature group, Web Filter group.
- VPN users are to be added to SSLVPN-Users
- If replacement user, populate 'Member of" with those of prior user
- Deleting old user's login account can be done once memberships are copied and verified.
- Home directories are located on FP02 at E:\Shares\Home
- After logging into as the user confirm H: drive is mapped. If not create and share from FP02....
- Logged in as user on local PC right click H: and select Share this folder OR from the Home volume of FP02 right click users home dir (SHORTNAME$) and Select Share with ... Specific People
- ....
- Check properties > Sharing tab > Share
- If H: drive is to be home of user's, User needs to be OWNER per Tom????
Jabber set instruction need to be further investigated.
Complete Request
- Temp Employees and Employees changing departments: HR receives copy of User ID request form.
- Communicate with dept manager
- Provide Day 1 end user support
- Have desktop, phone & peripherals setup when user arrives and schedule time with user to address technology documentation, questions, concerns, checklists, etc.
- Confirm access to Software and Applications
- Add printers per department head requirements
- Close ticket